Sunday, September 23, 2012


If I play video games, I feel all my value being stripped from me
If I lay inside for a day and do nothing, I feel my self worth decreasing
When I am bored, I feel im a complete failure
When it's rainy and clouds are above, its the great depression inside of me 
If I miss more then 3 days of school, the motivation is lost within

I struggle to keep myself going.


  1. I feel you.

    Turn on a light. Open the blinds. Put on some music. Clean your room. Take a shower. Shave your head. Read a book. Write something. call a girl. Open a Pepsi. Watch a movie. Diversify your activity...even too much of a good thing can feel bad.

    (I don't know what the H I'm talking about. I'm no counselor or therapist or doctor or whatever.)

    1. haha i liked it, everything you said has a inspirational meaning behind it.

  2. Dig a hole put something of value in it or it doesnt matter. Ask a girl on a date. Bake cookies if they suck then feed them to your pets. Go fishing in the rain its really fun.

  3. Life does seem like a struggle at times, but it gets better if you make it through the struggles.

  4. "I struggle to keep myself going." stole this line. I love the way you write, your music, your background. It is all so good and makes me want to read more of your stuff.

  5. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel!

  6. Every Saturday I feel just like this. But I love the comments! Fishing in the rain sounds like so much fun, even though I hate fishing and hate fish:) But what Nelson said is pretty much exactly what I do to help with this. Well, at least the first few things. Keep on posting! I love your blog!

  7. Dear ember,

    I wish you would talk to me. Or someone.


    Kyle Nelson...your creative writing teacher.
