Sunday, September 16, 2012

             Love     love                                                 love                                                           love
             love               love   love                                     love love                          
love              love                               love                                  Love                           
                      love                Love                       

L o v e    L e t t e r

dear love

       When i told my girlfriend I "loved" her back", it was a dark lie whistling threw the shadows in my teeth, yeah its sad. Im sorry to use you like that love, pushing you off my tongue to fall with no ropes of emotions fasend down to my heart. 

       Love i want you to forgive me, but please dont.... i know my intentions.. there imoral and deceiving, they will play a role as a kind lonely boy who wants someone to warm him from the chills of sin.

       But love please dont suffer in, understand that its all an act thats been practiced countless times behind stage. Understand that when your day is at the dimmest part of the hour, and your reaching up to me pleading for help, i will use dusk as cover from justice and betray you.
without hesitation.
while nights owner watches with a sinister grin.

       So understand im trying to help you, and dont give me another try.


  1. Love this idea. A love letter to love.

  2. So so so so Love this post. Love this, "When i told my girlfriend I "loved" her back", it was a dark lie whistling threw the shadows in my teeth, yeah its sad."
    It is beautifully written.
    Love it.

  3. I love the way you used love. I really did like this post.

  4. Love the love letter to love. The letter itself is amazing too. "'s all an act thats been practiced countless times behind stage."

  5. This is too good. Love all your posts.

  6. .."pushing you off my tongue to fall with no ropes of emotions fasend down to my heart." I really loved reading this whole thing. I loved your idea.
