Saturday, September 1, 2012

days are random, personality differs, friends move in, friends move out, i blame myself, other times i laugh, morning in paradise, afternoon in alcatraz, night with snow patrol and death cab. Rinse and repeat.

creating smiles leads to disappointment 24 hours later, so why try.. i seek friendship but when the time calls i shelter my self in, nail boards to the door, turn the lights off and fall into dreams escape.

We all have things going on in our life's, some of us cloak the stuggles others seek help, I push the pains and aches away, I push and push to the point where they become me, they control me, they rewrite my DNA inside of me. Soon enough im telling myself nothings wrong, because I've been like this for such a long time, I forget what i once knew, and the new me is born.

people crowd around happiness, they thrive apon it, they make happiness the number one priority, but once the source is depleted, they leave.. happiness is overrated.


  1. okay, okay. I see what you're doing here. And I dig it.

  2. Replies
    1. Honest question; Do you know happiness enough to like it?

  3. This is really interesting, I like your different perspective.

  4. Gooooooood... Let the hate flow through you... Yes... Good.

  5. I completely agree with you. I do the same thing.

  6. People crowd around happiness... But once the source is depleted, they leave. Happiness is overrated.

    Stealing it.
    P.S. sorry for paraphrasing, I didn't have much room left on the page.
