Monday, November 12, 2012

Bright light roles toward you i cant sustain

the strength. playing a good scheme you

act kind and appealing 

I need help a lot
I require a lot of time
the world shredding a hole inside
watch as the man leaves his life behind him
he runs in fear for he is a coward
he hides all emotion inside 
he forgot how to show it
as each day adds on another
gravity take a toll on his body

I remember being a kid, and being innocent. i remember when i was little i would always steal money from my parents. i remember going to Lake Powell every year. i remember not caring, i remember when life was easy. i remember a christmas that i unwrapped a gift at 3 am and feeling awful afterwards. i remember fighting with my brothers. i remember when my brother got burned. i remember being a good kid. i remember making my parents proud of me to be there son. i remember crying in kindergarten because i got dropped of early and i was all alone. i remember.
Clouds pull me up and away, take me some where no man has ever been, clouds you go everywhere and i hate that, because i go nowhere. I want to see what its like to look down at earth, to drift so calmly in the sky, I want what you have clouds. 


snow is soft 
snow is white
snow is fluffy
i really like snow
snow is so comfortable 
snowballs are fun to throw at cars

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What i think of colors

blue is the ocean tides
red is the wakening sun
 yellow is mass confusion
green is mowing lawns
 black is nightmares
gray is common comfort
orange is hunting season
pink is blonde cheerleaders
purple is just an awful color

My interpretation on life

I think of life as blossoming flower, a stretching sun, a laugh awakening, a wound healing, a leaf falling, winter chilling my bones, wood igniting, a cocoon developing.

My interpretation on death

a falling smile, the birth of the moon, crows flying, eyes raining, lonely walking, untied shoes, forgotten values, fuzzy tv screen to a dead mans body.
The boy

white walls surrounding while
inner black acts are enlarging
a mind of a criminal born
with a heart of gold
confusion turning inside and
thoughts are being postponed
not knowing whats happen
to the boy who once was true.

where did he go, he was once so near
now lost and scared, alone without help
not willing to ask, he will lie alone forever
and hopelessly walk himself down the stairs to hell

Duct tape
Duct tape Duct tape Duct tapeDuct tape Duct tape Duct tapeDuct tape Duct tape Duct tapeDuct tape 

A source of creation to build and construct what your mind can comprehend 
Sure some things might be impossible, but doesn't mean we can't try
So many possibilites with so many more ideas unfolding 
To add on they have different colors which makes things interesting
For christmas i got duct tape and I thought that was a great present
Its the only present I actually used or played with

Duct tape Duct tape Duct tape Duct tape Duct tape Duct tape Duct tape Duct tape Duct tape Duct tape 
Fly away

the eagle soars threw the sky
looking down it sees a fish eat a fly
swooping down to catch its pray
one fish at a time day by day
such grace and ease flying threw the blue sky
I wonder whats it like to look threw an eagles eye
to be an eagle and be free from the ground
to be up in the sky and not hear a sound
I dream i can fly

Direct orders

Dear reader,
here are my orders

1. be spontaneous
2. be adventurous
3. adopt a exotic pet
4. go to the zoo
5. smile
6. make your parents proud
7. be kind
8. go camping (it builds character)
9. drink hot chocolate
And the most important Order of them all
10. be happy

Sunday, September 30, 2012

finding a lost memory

its a cold winter night
fire place shedding light
hot coco being made
music being played
I lay there alone
in that arctic zone
with a warm smile
asleep for a while

hate is a very strong word. 

Now that thats been established, I hate who I have become.
I hate the words that come out of my mouth
I hate the way I treat my family
I hate what i've done in the past
I hate that I repeat the past
I hate that I say im going to change but never do
I hate the way I look at myself
I hate that I smile 

I don't deserve to smile

Sunday, September 23, 2012


If I play video games, I feel all my value being stripped from me
If I lay inside for a day and do nothing, I feel my self worth decreasing
When I am bored, I feel im a complete failure
When it's rainy and clouds are above, its the great depression inside of me 
If I miss more then 3 days of school, the motivation is lost within

I struggle to keep myself going.

       My beds view 

My bed... ahhhh my bed, its so uncomfortable, its stiff, it doesn't matter how much I roll, I never find a comfortable position. But to others my bed is a cloud, it pulls you in and coats you with comfort.

How can this be that what I find so horrible others find bliss, where I find peace others find back ache.

I haven't been talking about my bed
I've been talking about my view.

 looking at an angle and seeing 180 degrees
 getting joy from laying on a roof for hours
 staring at a light and finding a lost smile
 taking a hot shower to burn the feeling

This is what I find, that I hope another might see.

I hope there's a girl out there that hates my bed.


What a great topic, a chance to think about our present/past fears, the ones we haven't or have overcome, or the ones we refuse to admit.

When you're facing your fear, and you're one step away from defeating it, that fear will cause your brain to create all these bad things that might happen, like its inevitable that somethings going to go wrong, so you end up waiting and waiting, but the longer you wait, the harder it is to take that step forward.

If you wait, that fear will end up controlling you, and will make you a guest of your own body, then soon enough that fear will be writing your future. 

It can and will, whether or not it does depends on you.


How marvelous fear really is, how it keeps a person from leaping from a building, or keeps a person from speaking there opinion. Simple or Large, Fear is Fear.

In my eyes I see fear as another challenge, I see the opportunity to overcome it, I see the chance at becoming a better me.

Fear is just an obstacle preventing you from growing within.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

             Love     love                                                 love                                                           love
             love               love   love                                     love love                          
love              love                               love                                  Love                           
                      love                Love                       

L o v e    L e t t e r

dear love

       When i told my girlfriend I "loved" her back", it was a dark lie whistling threw the shadows in my teeth, yeah its sad. Im sorry to use you like that love, pushing you off my tongue to fall with no ropes of emotions fasend down to my heart. 

       Love i want you to forgive me, but please dont.... i know my intentions.. there imoral and deceiving, they will play a role as a kind lonely boy who wants someone to warm him from the chills of sin.

       But love please dont suffer in, understand that its all an act thats been practiced countless times behind stage. Understand that when your day is at the dimmest part of the hour, and your reaching up to me pleading for help, i will use dusk as cover from justice and betray you.
without hesitation.
while nights owner watches with a sinister grin.

       So understand im trying to help you, and dont give me another try.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Anything and everything, opportunities are endless. creativity has no reins, a mind without a curfew, hands reach endlessly, no author of your tongue, eyes search freely. this is anything and everything, no limits no restrictions, no guide, you and your desires set free. Its your will to run, deny everything you once knew and find what you want to be true. This is anything and everything so write your own story.

Released from fantasy, clothes change rapidly,house locked tight, man walks upright, streets are punished, coffee is sipped, street lights flicker, morning shine, pupils shrink, papers meet pens, man greets labor, clocks reverse, and the fight begins.
   Tired and beaten, man stumbles home, socks torn off and falls asleep alone.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

days are random, personality differs, friends move in, friends move out, i blame myself, other times i laugh, morning in paradise, afternoon in alcatraz, night with snow patrol and death cab. Rinse and repeat.

creating smiles leads to disappointment 24 hours later, so why try.. i seek friendship but when the time calls i shelter my self in, nail boards to the door, turn the lights off and fall into dreams escape.

We all have things going on in our life's, some of us cloak the stuggles others seek help, I push the pains and aches away, I push and push to the point where they become me, they control me, they rewrite my DNA inside of me. Soon enough im telling myself nothings wrong, because I've been like this for such a long time, I forget what i once knew, and the new me is born.

people crowd around happiness, they thrive apon it, they make happiness the number one priority, but once the source is depleted, they leave.. happiness is overrated.